Monday, July 21, 2008

Posting Recipes

Hey guys, let's start labeling our recipes. So when you write it in, before you hit "publish post", type "recipes" in the box that says "Labels for this post". Then we can sift through months of posts just to find recipes on here!! I will try to put a 'recipes' link on the right side so we can get there with one click. xoxo
By the way, MOM, I just read today that it's super uncommon that babies are allergic or even sensitive to what we eat while we breastfeed. Some babies are just gassier than others. This seems to be the issue with Lillie, except I have thought up until today that it was chocolate that was bugging her. So I was prepared to cut that out of my diet. But here's an article on the subject. It says that even if a mom eats straight junk food, that her body would still provide proper milk for the baby. I did NOT know this! I was trying to maintain a balanced diet not just for me, but for the baby. What do you think?

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