Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Help for sleepyheads

Miriam! I have read, heard from the doctor and have experienced myself that sugar and other things not good for us, like chocolate, give us a temporary high but the fatigue comes hard in short order. Known things to give alertness are protein, including meat, eggs, beans and nuts, ripe bananas, fruit eaten whole and by itself, one serving of whole grain cereal, low fat yogurt. Also eating raw fresh vegetables or popcorn gives you crunching action which wakes you up. Things to avoid are fatty (fried) anything, sugar, large amounts of carbs, less ripe fruit, milk (a small portion in cereal is fine). There are other ideas as well, but this has worked very well for me. Overeating always makes me sleepy, as well as not eating enough. Oh boy, that's a concept!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Those are great suggestions mom! I know that when I eat a bag of baby carrots at work in the afternoon it totally keeps the sleepies away!