Friday, July 18, 2008

Here we go...

OK so I get home today, knowing that I can fix my delicious Core beans and read hungrily (sorry about the slip) the blog to date. The kids are all at the pool and I am alone this afternoon. I have not had a chance to absorb it with all the noise, questions, students and such that cause me to not be able to read helpful things like this as well as cause me to eat...So I sit down and read. About the time I finish my last spoonful of the healthy (and satisfying) bowl of yumminess, I'm reading the list of night noshings Sarah is dreaming about or something. I say, "I gotta have a two point bar--make that chocolate!" And I am thinking as I am going into the kitchen to get it, "This blog is NOT good for me."


Sarie said...

Mom, you are hilarious. Please do not run away and eat. Stay here and write your hunger away!:) I stayed away from the skittles tonight! I am so proud of myself!

best mom ever said...

Yeah, and while I was waiting for you to write back, I consumed two more bars! I am not dissappointed, though--it isn't 9:00 yet. I feel like I would not like to eat ANYTHING and since the bars are loaded with fiber, I will have further reason to remember to be extra good tomorrow!