Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some Goals

So I've decided. I'm not going on a diet. I'm not eliminating sweets or carbs. I'm not joining a gym. I am merely writing down two things that I am committing to for now: No eating after 7pm. And I am going to walk at least a mile every day. The exercising might be hit and miss, because I don't have a double stroller, I have to rely on Jake's mom to walk with me and push one of the girls (Grace will be in school so I only have two girls). So there it is. Eliminating my late-night binging will do wonders for me I think! And Oh--- I almost forgot! Most importantly. In bed by 11pm!!!! No excuses (unless Lillie creates one for me). But if I stay up later, it can't involve anything except a glass of ice water.


Hannah said...

Oh Sarie, you are so insightful! I really think it is the small things that count the biggest. Dieting is for losers, healthy habits are the key to feeling great! Love ya!

best mom ever said...

Sarah, somehow GET A DOUBLE STROLLER. I pouted far too long without one and when I did I kicked myself for not having one before. I couldn't afford it before I got one, nor could I when we did. But I'm telling you, it was worth its weight in gold. My abs and thighs felt the difference as well. Love you!