Sunday, November 14, 2010

Runnin' low on gas these days....

So lately, I have been so busy that I cant make healthy food. I was at 5 hours of rehearsal on saturday and have a 4 hour rehearsal tomorrow night. Needless to say we have been eating out a lot.
I am proud to say that today, I made potato salad and pasta salad for the fridge so Colin doesn't eat chips and salsa all week.
I need some more ideas for things that I can keep in the fridge. We don't have a microwave to leftovers are a little difficult if they cant be heated up on the stove.

Any ideas ladies??

Saturday, November 13, 2010

ANYONE Can Do This. I Dare You All!!!

Ok guys and gals. I know I never post here but this really inspired me! It's the simplest and most painless running schedule I've ever seen, in all my years of perusing running and fitness magazines. I'm in the worst shape I've been in since I joined the Army, so I'm starting this Monday.

Love you all!
